The Silver Singularity

The Silver Singularity Wintergarden (Glow)

UBERMORGEN (meaning 'the day after tomorrow' in German) is a clean artist duo. They are contemporary pirates pushing thrilling stories into the unknown (1927).

With ‘The Silver Singularity’, commissioned for the 2024 Busan Biennale, they hack reality through alternate timelines, and unleash ‘Happy Dystopias’ into our Neo-Biedermeier age. In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft: unlocking hidden potentials and perspectives. Creak.

As the course is set, the work forks off clustered timelines at the exact moment when activist Carlo Giuliani was shot dead at the G8 anti-globalization protests in Genoa (2001-07-20/17:27h).
This crucial event triggered a pandemic of passivity, crashed reality, artificial imaginations, and spaghettification.

In UBERMORGEN’s fused installation, a feral, conductive, and audible forest cohabitates dark silver-ceramic imprints. Hooked into a classic spy thriller, combined with a covert website, the work unifies diverse realities into a contemporary saga. Folded out silver-grey-green point clouds gently puncture the uniqueness of places and simplicity of time.
Wow! Statistics. The rules don't apply anymore! Separate pasts in front of us, fruity futures invisible behind us.

This introspective work marks the final project of the universal 'Happy Dystopia' cycle (2020-2024), a series of soft conceptual hacks and dirty synthetic organisms, and is the launching platform for UBERMORGEN’s upcoming ‘Radical Universalism’ cycle (2025-2030).

Commissioned by
Busan Biennale Organizing Committee, 2024  

Produced in collaboration with
Phileas - The Austrian Office for Contemporary Art in Vienna

Supported by BMKOES and Pro Helvetia

Scentscape by MUELLER-DIVJAK
Premium Installation Assistance by Alexander Zenker
Webtech by Julius Lugmayr

Carlo Giuliani in immortalitate sua

Thanks for inspiration to Michelle Kasprzak, Patricia Reiss, Sebastian Pfeiffenhofer,, Swarovski, and Porzellanmanufaktur Augarten.